| The Friendly Specter (2025)

You might have a deep interest in the paranormal and the demonic, or you might want to know what it takes to become a demonologist. How do you learn to identify and banish the wicked from things, people, and places? Is it a power you are born with, or can it be learned?

You can become a demonologist by studying demonology under the supervision of clergy or practicing demonologists. According to the Church, you need to be called to become a demonologist, have a mature spirit and mind, and have extra supernatural protection from God.

There is no single way to become a demonologist. You can learn the skills through the Church, taking classes in demonology, or through apprenticeship. Depending on what kind of demonologist you want to become, you must choose the most suitable path for your unique situation.

Studies in demonology

To become a demonologist, you need to study demonology. Demonology is the science and study of demons. It is good to remember that demons are not scientifically proven to exist. The field of studies has been around since ancient times, though. For example, the Egyptians and the Maya had advanced teachings about the demonic.

To make things easy in this article, we keep referring to knowledge and studies of demons as demonology. Remember that there might also be educated about demons found in other cultures and religions.

Demonologist is not a recognized profession outside Church

Demonology is not a subject that you can study in Academia and get a degree in Demonology. You can say not study to become a demonologist outside Church. In modern society, it is not regarded as a recognized profession but as religious or spiritual expertise amongst believers.

If you are knowledgeable in demonology, you can become an expert in the field. Most mean that if you learn the field of demonology, you are, in fact, already a demonologist.

Demonology as theology or philosophy

I tend to look at demonology like theology, a branch of philosophy. Demonology is often studied by theologians, clergy, philosophers, and laypeople interested in the paranormal.

When we talk about demonology, it is often connected with the views of the Church. You have to remember, though, that many cultures have studied the field of the demonic. Depending on the cultural viewpoint, the teachings can be different.

As you notice, there is no single way to learn demonology. Depending on your belief system and the way you want to practice demonology, you must choose a path that suits you.

You have to think about why you want to learn demonology and how you want to practice it. If you want to learn about demons and not be an exorcist, you might not need to be clergy, for example.

Paths to becoming a demonologist

  • Theology (University)
  • Clergy (Church)
  • Philosophy (University)
  • Shamanic studies
  • Laymen studies + apprenticeship/tutor (Laymen studies)

I have chosen to learn demonology through online studies. I have not yet taken any apprenticeship with a skilled and professional demonologist. I use my knowledge to understand the demonic, not to perform exorcisms or banish the wicked from persons, objects, or sites. This is more related to the area of being an exorcist.

You will be amazed by the number of people getting exorcisms nowadays. If you want to learn more about this, I invite you to read the article below.

Related article: Do people get exorcisms? [Scary truth]

| The Friendly Specter (6)

Demonology and paranormal investigations

It is good to remember that you don’t need to take any formal education to learn demonology. You don’t need formal training if you don’t want to perform exorcisms or work with possession cases. Knowing about demons can be a great asset if you conduct paranormal investigations or love ghost hunting.

If you want to go the route to become a full-blown exorcist, then it is highly recommended that you go the traditional way, as you might be dealing with dangerous stuff (if demons do exist).

Always seek an apprenticeship from a skilled exorcist or demonologist if you want to go professional. This is the ethical and moral way – never say you are a demonologist if you are not formally trained.

Contact the Church or shaman for guidance on an educational path suitable for you. You can also apply for a theology program at a University of your choice or find a practicing demonologist for apprenticeship and tuition.

Calling from God

According to Rosemary Ellen Guiley, the Church has set guidelines on who is suitable to become a demonologist.

You should have a calling from God (or another divine force of good) to take on the dangerous work of a demonologist. You should not be hesitant in any way to take on the role. If you do, you might not be suitable for the job.

This calling is often found in other religions and cultures as well. When working with the demonic, you need a special gift or calling.

You can’t second-guess yourself dealing with demons

You can’t second guess your calling when faced with a demon. You must know in your heart that you are meant to do this.

If you are not confident that you can do this, you have a weakness that the demons will exploit. This can lead to hazardous situations. This is why demonologist often mature clergy that has been challenged in their faith through years of spiritual and religious work.

Have a mature mind and spirit

It is also preferred for your safety to have a mature mind and spirit. It is hard to put an age on this, but I understand it as at least 18. It is recommended that you have the life experience to stand firm when demons try to lure you into compliance.

| The Friendly Specter (8)

Teenagers should stay clear of demonology as they are easily bent and tricked. The soul has not yet fully matured. The thing is that many find demonology very interesting during their teens and early 20s. The same goes for paranormal and occult practices.

To become a successful demonologist, you mustn’t rush things and give yourself time to get life experience and an understanding of temptations. Deep knowledge of the Self is key to being resilient in exorcisms and handling demons.

Have supernatural protection from God

You should also have supernatural protection or shielding from God or other divinity of good and light. I have not found any information about ensuring you have this, but I guess you “know.”

If you are going the traditional route, I guess this is included in the status of the clergy. In shamanic traditions, there are rituals to strengthen your protection and resistance against dark forces. My recommendation is to consult your shaman for further information.

If you want to learn more about protecting yourself against the demonic, I invite you to read the article below.

Related article: 10 Ways to Protect Yourself from Demonic Attacks

Final thoughts

There is no single study path for becoming a demonologist. You can go the traditional route and learn demonology from the Church. If this is not your jazz, you also find teachings in demonology in other cultures and religions.

If you are not going to be a practicing demonologist, you can enroll in online classes or learn from your paranormal network.

The most important thing is never to say you are a demonologist without the proper training. This includes formal training and apprenticeship. Identifying and banishing demons without deep knowledge of the field can be very dangerous. It is not something you should ever mess around with for fun.

I would never enter this field from the dark side, the Satanistic side. Never use the demonic as a way of getting advantages over others. Only use your knowledge for the greater good.

Related article: 19 Signs of Demonic Possession

| The Friendly Specter (2025)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.